As more and more AI-generated content in the form of blogs, articles, newsletters, books, and images flood the internet, it raises the question who is the robot? Who exactly is training who?
Impact of AI on Business Content and Brand Integrity

Executive Stress Office Support
Professional. Authentic. Honest. Reliable. Providing quality VA services since 2000.
As more and more AI-generated content in the form of blogs, articles, newsletters, books, and images flood the internet, it raises the question who is the robot? Who exactly is training who?
Lessons from the Day Optus Left 10 Million+ Australians in the Dark Ever had a day where your entire digital world crumbled? If you’re with Optus, you might have experienced the recent meltdown that left over 10 million Aussies disconnected. Whether you were directly affected or just heard the buzz, here’s a recap of the…Read more
One of the most frequent enquiries I receive in my practice is for transcription services – digital, microtape, standard tape (yes, still tape!). These enquiries are not just from potential clients but from new VAs wanting to ‘get in on’ what looks like a burgeoning niche in the Virtual Assistant industry. Remember just because you…Read more
Generative AI and ChatGPT – you knew I’d get to it eventually… I am not an early adopter. I won’t rush out and grab the new thing because I prefer to sit back, watch how it evolves, see the bugs get worked out … that sort of thing. And if something is going to fall…Read more