Tag: pricing strategies

The Cost of ‘Free’

mage alt text: Visual representation of the hidden costs and consequences of 'free' offerings. Discover the truth at ExecStress.com

Recently I tried to do something nice for someone – a pay it forward kind of thing – and somewhere along the line it backfired. I had discovered a gentleman whose writings I thought were very valuable. He talked about social issues on his blog that were important and had impact on the wider community, but…Read more

Pricing your Work: Authors

Image alt text: Visual representation of pricing strategies for authors and writers, maximising earnings and fair value. ExecStress.com offers insights

How do you know if your book is priced correctly to move the maximum amount of copies? This nice blog by Anastasia V Pergakis on Indies Unlimited may help. How do you know if your book is priced correctly to move the maximum amount of copies? For some this might take some time and a…Read more